The legal regulation of the protection, conservation and use of dolphins as rare sea animals

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 16, Issue 2


The article is about the protection of marine animals as part of the marine environment and the regulation of their conservation in the World Ocean. The largest representatives of marine animals are marine mammals, among which we pay special attention to dolphins, which are included in the Red Book of Ukraine. Nowadays there is an extremely unfavorable situation in the field of protection of dolphins in the world, therefore there is a need to study features of the legal regulation of international and national protection and prevention of causing significant damage to dolphins in order to ensure their conservation and rational use. In addition, the article is devoted to the study of the legal regulation of administrative and criminal liability for violation of legislation in the field of the protection, conservation and rational use of dolphins. The characteristic and analysis of their protection are carried out with the help of international and national rules of law. The administrative and criminal responsibility for administrative offenses and crimes in the sphere of dolphin protection are determined, as well as the sanctions provided by the national legislation for their violation are considered. The universal international act, which provides for the legal protection of marine living resources, is the Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (United Nations). The special international agreement on the conservation of marine migratory species, including dolphins, is the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals 1979. Also, there are different agreements on the protection of dolphins in the Black and Mediterranean seas, and others. The legal framework of Ukraine is also filled with codes, laws and regulations, which provides ensure the protection of such unique marine animals and provide for liability in case of non-compliance of such rules o f law.

Authors and Affiliations

Diana Zhukova, Диана Жукова, Діана Жукова


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  • EP ID EP559449
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.2.2019.4
  • Views 84
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How To Cite

Diana Zhukova, Диана Жукова, Діана Жукова (2019). The legal regulation of the protection, conservation and use of dolphins as rare sea animals. Lex portus, 16(2), 58-69.