The libraries of Polish scientific societies in Vilnius in the first half of the 20th century
Journal Title: Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
Numerous Polish societies active in Vilnius in the first half the 20th century possessed their own libraries. In this paper are taken into account libraries of Polish scientific societies, namely: the Museum of Science and Art Society (1907-1939) and Friends of Science Society (1907-1939). These societies and their libraries played important role in scientific and cultural life in Vilnius in that time. They also helped to preserve the cultural heritage through collection of works of art, old prints, manuscripts and historical relics. Significant part of these collections was scattered during World War II and during the hard postwar time, another part remained in archives and libraries in Vilnius and up to now has been used for scientific and educational purposes.
Authors and Affiliations
Henryka Ilgiewicz
Źródła rękopiśmienne do badania polskiego rynku wydawniczego Lwowa w XIX w. w zbiorach Lwowskiej Biblioteki im. Wasyla Stefanyka
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