The Link between Functions of Body Movements and Psycho-Emotional State of Disabled Children while Applying Horse-Riding Therapy
Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2006, Vol 2, Issue 2
The present article displays the fields of horse usage in rehabilitation. An experiment where six children with physical and motion disorders (inborn rapture of spinal cord and children cerebral paralysis) at age of 2,5–14 years took part is presented. It was aimed to investigate by empirical research the link between functions of body movements and psycho-emotional state of children with physical disability while applying horse-riding therapy; also, it was aimed to indicate changes of psycho-emotional state during horse-riding sessions. Duration of participation in the experiment of the investigated children varies from 3 months up to 2 years. Due to horse-riding therapy, functions of children’s body movements have improved, they became more mobile. Functions of body movements of the first investigated child have improved in 1.3%; however, this child took part in horse-riding therapy only for a period of 3 months; that is why it may be supposed that if to continue horse-riding sessions, functions of body movements should even improve. The biggest progress after the experiment was noticed of the second and the third investigated childr their functions of body movements have improved in 10,6 % and 17,4 % respectively. Whereas functions of body movements of the investigated children with children cerebral paralysis have slightly changed: of the fourth child – in 3,7 %, of the fifth child – 3 %, of the sixth – 3,8 %. Data obtained during assessment and quantitative observation of functions of body movements allows us drawing a conclusion that the higher functions of body movements of the investigated child, the more stable psycho-emotional state during horse-riding is. A tendency was noticed that those investigated children who could walk independently felt braver during the horse-riding sessions. Psycho-emotional state of the investigated was highly influenced by personal features. Data received during the experiment has revealed that psycho-emotional state of the investigated children did not depend on nature of the disorder or disability. The investigated both having inborn rupture of spinal cord and children cerebral paralysis felt themselves and reacted in different ways during the horse-riding session.
Authors and Affiliations
Daiva Mockevičienė, Laura Straubergaitė
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