The logistics components of the sea ports of Ukraine: renewal of the organizationally-legal support
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 5
The article is devoted to the research of factors, which have a significant impact on the increase of competitiveness and achievement of efficiency of logistic systems, which is part of the sea ports of Ukraine. From the competitiveness of the domestic transport system in the world market depends on the efficiency of the functioning of the ports, the level of their technological and technical equipment, the compliance of the management system and the development of the infrastructure with modern international requirements. Fleet and ports are an active part of a large and very dynamic competitive environment. The effectiveness of logistics systems with its own seaport structure is directly dependent on economic stability and the development of coastal states, in the context of their well-functioning work, development and trade flows became more brisk. It is noted that there is a network of powerful seaports in Ukraine, where in general the logistical function is set at a rather high level, but there are a number of factors that still restrain the development of domestic ports and have a negative impact on their logistical attractiveness: the depreciation of the main capacities of Ukrainian ports, significant rates of harbor dues and overtime markups, low transshipment effectiveness, and the absence of hub ports, the need to introduce with single window processing technologies, significant updating of the program document of the industry: the Strategy and the Maritime Doctrine of Ukraine. The author notes that these and some other aspects of improving the organizational and legal mechanism of the work of the port industry in Ukraine are now on the agenda at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Administration of the Seaports of Ukraine and are most affected by the upgrade process. The results of such update should be expected in the near future, and we hope that they will finally introduce the Ukrainian port industry to the most powerful and competitive areas in the Black Sea region.
Authors and Affiliations
Sergiy Andrushchenko, Сергей Андрущенко, Сергій Андрущенко
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