The мarketing research of the Ukrainian market of drugs for the treatment of arthritis
Journal Title: Вісник фармації - Year 2018, Vol 93, Issue 1
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systematic disease of the connective tissue with peripheral joints damage and characteristic non-arterial effects. Rheumatic diseases affect the national economy, lead to considerable expenses for their treatment and reduce the quality of the patients’ life. Aim. To study drugs used for the treatment of arthritis at the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market, determine the number of the domestic and imported producers. Materials and methods. The analysis of the drug assortment was conducted in accordance with the State Register of Drugs of Ukraine and ATC-classification of the WHO. The sources of information used were Compendium 2016 – Drugs, and a Software Complex, a weekly journal “Pharmacy online”. Results and discussion. It has been determined that the leading position of producers of drugs for the treatment of RA belongs to national manufacturers, and there is also a significant market share in manufacturers from Germany, Switzerland and Israel. By the pharmacological action the most common group (26 %) is presented by anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic drugs; 25 % of foreign and domestic drugs are antiviral drugs; 19 % are other drugs used in pathology of the locomotor system. The majority group of medicines consists of tablets, capsules and injectable dosage forms. Conclusions. According to the ATC-classification data there are approximately 60 drugs presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine for the treatment of rheumatic diseases. This market segment includes different pharmacotherapeutic groups, a wide range of manufacturing countries and pharmaceutical companies. However, there is no original combined gel of the complex national production at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
V. V. Postoy, L. І. Vyshnevska
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