The Masjid al-Nabawî and the Virtue of the Worships Perfor-med there within the Context of the Related Hadiths

Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 2


Masjid al-Nabawi, one of the three mosques that can be visited for the pur-pose of worship, have been settled for many functions such as government cen-ter of about ten years of Medina period, consultation place and most im-portantly a worship center. Furthermore, its being the grave of the Prophet in-creases the importance of this place for Muslims. Since The Prophet notifies that the pray in this place is more virtuous than the ones in other places except Masjid al-Haram (Kaaba) and gives glad tidings for those who visit his Holy Grave. Muslims have cared about visiting his Holy Grave throughout the history, considered it as one of the most important worships and tried to pray while visiting this place.

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  • EP ID EP617047
  • DOI 10.30523/mutefekkir.130222
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How To Cite

Aşır ÖRENÇ (2014). The Masjid al-Nabawî and the Virtue of the Worships Perfor-med there within the Context of the Related Hadiths. Mütefekkir, 1(2), 71-85.