The Matter Designation of Caliphate with Nass/Verses
Journal Title: İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 50
The most important and ever-continuing trouble faced by Islam ummah after the death of Prophet Mohammad is caliphate. In historical process, the Shia complicated the matter by making caliphate a subject of faith. According to the Shia, the caliphate of Ali was determined by nass and there are dozens of verses confirming this fact. Especially Shia of Imamiyyah, doesn’t only advocate that the caliphate Ali’s right after the Prophet Muhammad, they also embark upon constraining glosses which dedicate a lot of verses of Qur’ân to Ali. In this context, they make comments that bring Prophet Mohammad and companions under suspicion. Sunni commentators say that the caliphate wasn’t designated by any verses or hadiths and they criticize the verses glossed as allocated to Ali. Additionally, they say that the historical event righted the caliphate Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr had been the imam of companions when prophet was alive, and Omar proved this event and emphasized Abu Bakr’s merit. Moreover, the sunni commentators criticize the Shia’s discredit for Abu Bakr and companions although there are a lot of verses that aggrandize Abu Bakr. This article aims to analyze mentioned events. The result is tried to be reached whether the Sunni commentators’ interpretation is appropriate to accurate narratives, and that the opinion which Shia infer the verses out of meaning world for bigotry of sect and dicredit for Abu Bakr, and Shia causes companions to seem incorrect when they want to aggrandize to Ali.
Authors and Affiliations
Bayram AYHAN
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