The meaning of labour potential of the enterprise


The purpose of this article is to analyse the meaning of the notion «labour potential of the enterprise» through its main characteristics. The article analyses the approaches to definition of the concept of labour potential of the enterprise and defines the main characteristics of the concept. Proposed an author’s understanding of labour potential of the enterprise which is based on distinguishing its two main parts: individual labour potential and collective labour potential. The author provides a definition of collective labour potential and considers sources of its development. Besides labour conditions, it is proposed to consider financial, technical and technological, and organizational constituents as required conditions for realization of labour potential of an enterprise. In summary, proposed a definition of labour potential of the enterprise as a complex of employees’ quantitative and qualitative characteristics that define current and future possibilities of participation of these employees in labour activity to achieve goals of the enterprise under certain manufacturing conditions.

Authors and Affiliations

Valentyna Skurska


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How To Cite

Valentyna Skurska (2014). The meaning of labour potential of the enterprise. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки., 25(), 142-147.