The meaning of the civil society in the formation of the region’s development


The article deals with the matter of determinant of the region’s development, particularly of the civil society and its meaning in the region. The ideas of the region and its development are presented and the value of factors connected with human capital and institutional circumstances of development prevail over the material ones. The aim of the article is to show the region by means of the innovative model of economic and social structure, using the equilateral triangle whose sides are marked: the market economy, the civil society and the democratic state. The location of mentioned elements of the structure in the equilateral triangle presents their equivalent position towards each other as well as the conciliation of different rationalities attributed to the market (allocation rationality), to the state (distributional rationality) and to the society (rationality of solidarity). These elements are not separated from each other because of ontological differences but due to functional ones. That is why we can observe the phenomenon of ‘perychoresis’ (interpenetration), which is a mutual penetration of three subjects of the socially-economic structure. The following hypothesis has been formulated: the quality of the civil society, as an element of the region’s structure next to the market and the state, has an essential influence on the development of the region through its economic and social activity.

Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Stanienda


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How To Cite

Jolanta Stanienda (2013). The meaning of the civil society in the formation of the region’s development. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 23(2), 205-215.