The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction between Training and Development Practices and Organizational Commitment: Responses from Private Banking Sectors of Karachi, Pakistan


This paper examines the impact of modern and traditional training and development programs on the employees of banking sectors' organizational commitment and overall performance within Karachi, Pakistan. Furthermore, the paper explores the causal-effect relationship between organizational commitment's distinctive attributes and T&D program through mediating role of job satisfaction, by particularly looking at the contractual and permanent employees. By combining the strata, convenience, and purposive sampling, we gathered data from the 307 employees working in the Karachi's banking sector. Since, the study falls largely into positivist paradigm thus quantitative analysis are conducted in this study. Interestingly, the findings revealed that modern methods of training and development are highly preferred by the contractual workers. In addition to that, the working efficiency of the employees aging between 30-40 years is significant positively affected by modern T&D methods. On the other hand, working efficiency does not improve for the permanent employees under both; traditional and modern methods to notable extent. In addition to that, irrespective of the type of employment status, the affective and normative commitment of male employees is significant positively affected by the salary increment while the continuance commitment of female workers is significant positively affected by the training and development programs. Nevertheless, job satisfaction has significant mediating role in improving the organizational commitment of employees under both; traditional and modern methods of training and development. Interestingly, the continuance commitment is less visible in contrast to affective commitment and normative commitment among both permanent and contractual employees working within the banking sector.

Authors and Affiliations

Adnan Faridi, Akhtar Baloch, Abuzar Wajidi


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  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i10/3415
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How To Cite

Adnan Faridi, Akhtar Baloch, Abuzar Wajidi (2017). The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction between Training and Development Practices and Organizational Commitment: Responses from Private Banking Sectors of Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(10), 603-616.