The new Dynamic Spine Correction (DSC) device: indications and contraindications
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 4
The Dynamic Spine Correction (DSC) device (patent PL 229766; patent US 9,949,884 B2) was designed and constructed for the use in the spine physiotherapy. The device was produced by Bio.morph Ltd. as a result of the European Union Operational Program Innovative Economy for the 2007-2013 years. The DSC proposes new methodology for the almost independent rehabilitation. Our method with the supervision of a physiotherapist can follow-up the osteo‑kinematics of the patient’s spine as the dynamically physiological joint play that being restored in blocked spine joints. Thanks to the new diagnostic system there is also the possibility to: a) visualize the condition of the spinal column; b) register the parameters of patient’s therapy, as well as c) the results. Thanks to that, it is possible to evaluate the patient’s current condition and the progress of the therapy objectively. Our innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methodology – namely Dynamic Correction and Mobilization of Spine and Postural Neuromuscular Re‑education – allows for an effective treatment of the spine disorders of different etiologies. Moreover it minimizes the potential risks for the patient’s, that results nowadays from therapeutic technologies used, as well as harmful materials and medicines with low specificity (e.g. painkillers).
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Kaczmarek, Paweł Łęgosz, Renata Szczepaniak, Anna Lipińska, Krzysztof Mucha
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