The Notion of Social Change in Quran -A Multi-Disciplinary Approach-
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2014, Vol 14, Issue 2
Social scientists try to explain the notion of social change under the light of progres-sive/linear and periodic/cyclic approaches by taking some certain reasons into consideration including population, economy, geography, culture and technology. If the Qur'an is examined within this context, it will be clear that the main component of social change is the society itself. Moreover, the Qur'an expresses the religious and ethical reasons for the social change, and deals with the individual, social and universal changeable and unchangeable by means of various concepts. Our study aims to demonstrate a panorama concerning some Quranic concepts such as ajal, sunnatullah and taghyir, mudawala and daf’ in the context of social change, and thus to provide a multi-disciplinary reading about the analysis of social change.
Authors and Affiliations
Mustafa Şentürk
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