The Obama Doctrine - U.S. Strategic Retrenchment and its Consequences

Journal Title: Securitologia - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 2


In this article the author writes about the features of a strategy of retrenchment and how it can be applied to the analysis of the foreign policy of the United States during the presidency of Barack Obama. Many of the decisions made by the United States in the international arena resulted from a desire to limit involvement in world affairs, to reduce military spending, and to persuade allies to take a greater responsibility for their own security. Such a policy was motivated by strengthening the weakened position of the USA, but it also contributed to the growth of chaos in the world.

Authors and Affiliations

Michał Woźniak


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  • EP ID EP80197
  • DOI 10.5604/18984509.1203725
  • Views 130
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How To Cite

Michał Woźniak (2015). The Obama Doctrine - U.S. Strategic Retrenchment and its Consequences. Securitologia, 22(2), 57-67.