The only way to save humanity from total collapse - nootechnologies and noosciences


<p><strong>The urgency of the research topic</strong> lies in the author's search for the elimination of environmental and other threats to the existence of mankind. The population of Homo Sapiens increases quantitatively, intensify the rate of degradation of the natural environment and accelerates the movement to the total Collapse. Scientists in the world create only "appeals" and “warnings” of danger, but even the UN decision and three environmental forums 1992, 2002 and 2012 do not indicate real means of salvation. <strong>The purpose of the study</strong> is a critical analysis of the works of scientists of the world and their environmental projects and plans. <strong>The objectives of the study</strong> are to offer a real way of saving humanity through the replacement of industrial technologies with environmentally safe nootechnologies, the development and use of the noosciences. <strong>The methodology of the study</strong> is based on the authors' foundations of the basis of many new exact and humanitarian noosciences - noophilosophy, nooecology, noohistory, noosociology, noocognitiology, and others. We use the noointegral, systemic and noohistorical methods within the framework of a promising principle of global evolutionism with transdisciplinary approaches.</p><p><strong>The result of the study</strong> is unquestionable evidence that in the flow of nanotechnologies since 2000 ecologically safe appears, which we propose to call "wise" - neotechnologies. Their number is small and the number is growing slowly, but the trends of world science evidenced by the inevitability of the victory of nootechnologies and elimination of all industrial technologies. The main result of the study is the list of noosciences and nootechnologies, which are "terms from the future". They form the Nooglossary for which we received the copyright certificate - a legal document of our author's priority.</p><strong>The conclusion</strong> is that humanity will be saved not by the "third industrial revolution" by J. Rifkin and not by the "fourth" K. Schwab or “smart-activity”, but by the development of the nooosciences (noowave No. 4) and the massive use of environmentally safe nootechnologies. Nooera has already begun, but humanity does not notice it yet. The first nootechnologies exist, but they are still too small. We have created the Nooglossary to accelerate the progression of noofuture

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  • EP ID EP528380
  • DOI 10.30839/2072-7941.2018.149632
  • Views 112
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How To Cite

K. KORSAK, Y. KORSAK (2018). The only way to save humanity from total collapse - nootechnologies and noosciences. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії, 0(74), 28-38.