The Paradox of Religious Education in Secondary School Curriculum: An Exploratory Study in Mara Region, Tanzania
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 4
Abstract: The present study attempted to investigate on the paradox of Religious Education in Mara Region through qualitative approach. Twelve schools composed the population and purposive sampling came up with 17 students and 4 teachers from three schools to release information through Focus Group Discussion and Interview Schedule. Expert judgment established validity of research instruments. To maintain ethical considerations, anonymity, confidentiality and privacy of respondents were maximized during data collection. The study established that Divinity Subject has peculiar features which are not found in other academic subjects. Failure to integrate Religious Education is influenced by scarcity of teachers, lack of textbooks and non-availability of syllabus to guide the teaching and learning of the subject. Excluding Divinity in selection for tertiary education leads students and teachers to disregard the subject regardless of its benefits. Researchers recommend that Secondary Schools in Mara Region should integrate Religious Education by making it compulsory. Availability of teachers for CRE and good supply of textbooks and syllabus must be ensured in order to enhance proper learning. Divinity should be considered in selection for tertiary education in order to encourage teachers and students to teach and learn the subject. Finally, the government should make efforts to prepare experts to teach Christian Religious Education. Keywords: Paradox, Christian Religious Education, Divinity, Bible Knowledge, Tanzania
Authors and Affiliations
Baraka Manjale Ngussa, Elizabeth Mendoza Role
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