The parotid gland’s tumours in material of Otolaryngology Department of the Medical Military Institute between 2004–2008
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 7
The parotid gland is the place where benign and malignant tumours may occur. They mostly grow in larger parotid glands. The aim of this work is to analyze operative treatment of parotid gland tumours performed in the years 2004–2008. Between 2004–2008, 128 patients underwent surgical procedure caused by parotid gland tumour, including 72 women (56%) and 56 men (44%) aged between 12–80 (the average age was 49.1); the procedures were performed in the Otolaryngology Department of the Medical Military Institute. The initial diagnosis was based on history and physical examination as well as additional examinations including standard ultrasound examination and BAC. The extent of operative treatment was based on medical examination, results of additional examinations and, fi nally, in special cases, on intraoperative histopathological examination. Our material includes benign tumours diagnosed in 113 patients (88.3%) and malignant ones in 15 patients (11.7%). The most frequent parotid gland tumour is polymorphic adenoma (50%), the second most frequent one is lympho-adenoma (33.6%). The results of fi ne-needle aspiration biopsy were confi rmed in histopathological examination conducted on 101 patients (79%). It was discovered that parotid gland tumours were predominantly benign tumours. The most frequent type of parotid gland tumour was the polymorphic adenoma. The operative method was selected depending on the clinical picture supplemented by the results of additional examinations: BAC, ultrasound examination, computer tomography, MRI. In the event of suspected malignant parotid gland tumour, it is necessary to conduct intraoperative histopathological examination.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Wojdas, Dariusz Jurkiewicz
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