The peculiarities of the legal protection of groundwater

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 5


The article describes the problem of pollution and destruction of groundwater. These waters represent a significant part of the water fund of Ukraine. Therefore, they require special protection. This protection becomes detrimental to the use of special legislation. Therefore, this problem is being studied in detail. As a result, clear and precise recommendations will be obtained for the conservation of such a large part of the state’s water resources. There are not so many ways to save groundwater. First and foremost, these are the legal norms that establish responsibility for destruction and pollution. The next step is to reduce the use of groundwater resources. In this case, it is worth returning to traditional water facilities and keeping them in good condition. Underground water is a find for merchants and illegal miners. Due to the absence of specific prohibitive norms in this area, these water is produced freely. It causes significant damage. But thanks to the experience of other countries, we can prevent a catastrophe in our country. Turning to the experience of foreign scholars and lawyers, you can achieve significant success. This should be taken into account when creating a special legal act. Thus, we can conclude that there is an urgent need for reform. management system in the studied area as a whole, and emphasize we are on increasing the role of special regional authorities for the management of the security and using state-owned natural objects. It seems that the proposals made should be implemented by making changes and additions to water legislation, in particular the Water Code Of Ukraine. The research of the main problems of the formation of modern the basis of management in the field of regulation of water relations, without verbally, does not exhaust all the issues related to this subject, therefore, the subject matter further research can be such an important aspect as, for example, the treasure trove of public administration in the industry in view of its international generic legal regulation.

Authors and Affiliations

Anastasia Kosygina, Анастасия Косыгина, Анастасія Косигіна


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  • EP ID EP434973
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.5.2018.7
  • Views 110
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How To Cite

Anastasia Kosygina, Анастасия Косыгина, Анастасія Косигіна (2018). The peculiarities of the legal protection of groundwater. Lex portus, 13(5), 113-125.