The pharmacoepidemiological and clinico-economic analysis of consumption of antibacterial drugs in a multi-specialty hospital
Journal Title: Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 1
Information on consumption of antimicrobials in hospitals indirectly reflects implementation of medical care standards, as well as ideas of health professionals about the problems of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Aim. To conduct the comprehensive analysis of the material costs and consumption of antimicrobials for systemic use in a multi-specialty hospital. Materials and methods. As a result of the studies conducted it was shown that in the hospital for 5 years the approaches to the starting empirical antibacterial therapy of diseases requiring the use of antimicrobial agents were almost completely replaced. In addition, there was transition to the cephalosporin therapy (cefazolin and ceftriaxone) and the loss of interest in antimicrobial drugs of the penicillin group and in drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones and macrolides. Results. The monitoring of the consumption of antibacterial drugs conducted in the hospital allows us to make strategic decisions in order to optimize the antibiotic therapy and adjust the amount and range of antibiotics used with the profile of the hospital. Complex implementation of ABC-analysis and DDD-analysis allows comparing the priority data of financial costs and the level of consumption of antimicrobials, it allows optimizing the use of antibiotics in a multi-specialty hospital. Conclusions. The results of the analysis are the ground for redistribution of financial flows in the group of antibacterial agents with improvement of the assortment, they also allow to optimize the use of antibiotics in the hospital units, and based on the data obtained to develop and implement the practice of application of different forms of antibacterial drugs taking into account the principles of evidence-based medicine and the results of infection monitoring.
Authors and Affiliations
L. V. Savchenkova, I. P. Dzhabarov
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