The phenomenon of pseudo-public in modern PR-practice: communication-discursive and functional features
Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія "Соціальні комунікації" - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 12
Research methodology. Scientific reflection as for the given phenomenon is based on the concepts «civil society», «public sphere», «public relations», «deliberative policy», «public spirit», «Öffentlichkeit»,etc. The author states the deviation of normal community modi from normative doctrine, which is fundamental for its institualization in the society. Negatively connotative discourse as for pseudo-public isformed by the concepts «ochlocracy», «para-dialogue», «simulative communication practices».Novelty. The article deals with the phenomenon of pseudo-public in connection with its destructive influence on the socium. The main simulative forms, in which the public reveals itself, are defined; they areas follows: anti-dialogue, quasi-dialogue, para-dialogue.Results. Thus, we can state that on the present stage of our society development, the phenomenon of the public has not gained the normative praxiological features which could allow us to talk about itsproductive functionality in the socium. Nowadays social quality of the public reveals itself in simulative dialogue practices dysfunctionally implementing itself in distorted social initiatives. The reason for the consolidation of the given phenomenon in the socium is sub-passonary activity of its members, which is directly connected with social emergences characteristic for ochlocracy regime. Institutional shapelessness of the public makes normative PR functioning impossible.The practical significance. The results of the research can be applied to both theoretical and practical sphere of PR-activity.
Authors and Affiliations
М. Butyrina
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