The philosophical, historical and religious grounds of P. Tillich’s Systematic Theology
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 1
A study of philosophical and religious grounds theologian P. Tillich in this article is a subject to identification of the specifics of understanding and interpretation of work or variety religious and historical-philosophical definitions of the essence and semantic orientation of its teaching. The main thesis of the author lies in the denial of the correctness of an unambiguous attribution of ideas by P. Tillich to the so-called philosophy of existentialism. The existential foundation of his theological constructions, according to the author, a right to associate with the concept of post-existentialist thinking, where P. Tillich’s“systematic theology”, along with theology of R. Bultmann and J. Macquarrie, presented in the conglomerate exercises of “existential theology”
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Emelianenko
The philosophical, historical and religious grounds of P. Tillich’s Systematic Theology
A study of philosophical and religious grounds theologian P. Tillich in this article is a subject to identification of the specifics of understanding and interpretation of work or variety religious and historical...
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