The Philosophy of positivism in economic science
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 168
The article deals with the results of economic research and question of their reliability. The author shows the issue of proof and verification economic research results, approaches to the verification of information. In particular, author pays attention to the principles of positivism and the possibilities of its application in economic science. The author focuses on the existence of two main areas, which are dominatenow by economic science: "economism" and "bibliometric". Since economic science is dominated by positions that can be identified as "economics" (the Anglo-American scientific and economic school), excessive attention is paid to the application of mathematical and statistical apparatus in research. The intensity of the use of mathematical methods identified as the quality and reliability of scientific research. There isanother tendency: due to the intensity of the use of bibliometric indicators for the evaluation of scientific results, bibliometrics has become a basic tool for verifying the reliability of scientific knowledge.
Authors and Affiliations
A. P. Kyrychok
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