The policy of Poland is at the peak of USA interests
Journal Title: Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Політологія. Соціологія. Право. - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Poland turned out to be between the two creatures of power. The Federal Republic of Germany initially reluctantly perceived the Polish frontier, which was the subject of lengthy negotiations. Finally, the united Germany recognized the border along the Oder and Neisse in November 1990, and ratified the documents in December 1991. In turn, the Soviet Union, and since December 1991 - Russia - hastened to withdraw its troops from the Polish territory. After negotiations that lasted throughout the year - from September 1990 to October 1991 - a plan for the withdrawal of Russian troops was realised. The last soldier of the former Red Army left the Polish territory on September 18, 1993. In this situation Poland set one long-term, allied relationship with the United States as one of the strategic objectives of its own foreign policy, since only the United States at that time could protect a new democracy from external attacks of former empires. At the same time, we note that the relations of the Allies were called as strategic by the Poles themselves, not the Americans, and secondly, Poland did everything possible and impossible to be called an ally of the United States. Even threatened its membership in the European Union when the Poland supported United States in its military company against Iraq. The Polish calculation was justified: security could only be provided by the United States through membership in the North Atlantic Alliance. The United States "pulled" Poland into both NATO membership and membership of the EU, thus condemning the Poles to almost 80% of the external debt, adding enormous loans. Consequently, with the collapse of the Warsaw Military Bloc, Poland implements two main pillars: the path to NATO membership and the path to EU membership. The pursuit of NATO has always been the number one priority. Since 1989, the Poles see the United States as the main guarantor of their national security. On the other hand, Washington itself was deeply interested in spreading influence on the post-Soviet bloc, looking for support points in it. Poland, which was not only a buffer in the early stages of NATO's expansion to the East, but also an active participant and "leader" of all other "democracies" in the Alliance's security space, proved to be the backbone. The North Atlantic Alliance, a key component of the United States, has been cementing Polish-American security cooperation for decades. In 2010, on the initiative of Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Strategic Dialogue launched in 2004 was reinstated. Poland was admitted to NATO with the Czech Republic and Hungary in March 1999, while joining the European Union was delayed until May 2004. Poland's realization of the European vector of the Eastern policy of the EU, faced with Russia's severe opposition, considered it as an intervention in its sphere of influence, gave Poland the opportunity to strengthen its position in the EU and NATO. The base of missile interceptors should be built up in Poland and with them also other defence systems. Russian-Georgian war in the first half of August 2008 intensified the mentioned process. Poland went to meet the US, increasing its military contingent in Afghanistan... But new US president Obama declared that if he eliminated the threat of Iran's nuclear and missile program, then it would not make sense to continue to build a missile shield in Europe. 22 known politicians from Eastern Europe (including four Poles) at 16th of July warning Obama to stop support Russia. As a result a bilateral agreement on the status offerees (so-called SOFA) was signed on December 11, in Warsaw. As a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine - the United States has actively deployed military cooperation with Poland, providing 12 F-16 fighters from the base in Aviano and 200 personnel in spring 2014. The program also provides long-range missiles JASSM for the Polish F-16. In addition, cyber defence is currently underway. The bilateral dialogue on this issue is being held in regular meetings of the Advisory Group on Strategic Cooperation (SCCG) and the High Level Group on Security (HLDG). Russia's aggressive actions against Ukraine dramatically changed the security situation around Poland and Europe at all. The concept introduces the expansion and unification of the European Union's Active Ballistic Missile Defence (ALTBMD) anti-missile defence system with American missile defence systems in Europe (radar in Turkey, bases in Romania and Poland, ships with Aegis systems in the Mediterranean). The priorities of Polish foreign policy was declared in March 2012 - in the new strategy of foreign policy. It was the first since 1989 a key document defining vectors of Polish diplomacy too. So "The strategy of Polish foreign policy 2017-2021" confirmed the priorities of the Polish state. ВІСНИК НТУУ «КПІ». Політологія. Соціологія. Право. Випуск 4 (
Authors and Affiliations
Л. Д. Чекаленко
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