The presence and degree of development of third molar buds in patients aged 8–18 years, evaluated on pantomograms – part 1

Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2013, Vol 9, Issue 3


[b]Aim.[/b] To estimate in population of aged 8-18 years children the presence of the third molars tooth buds. Detailed aims were: percentage evaluation of their presence in the group aged 8-9, in the group aged 10-18 years, the assessment of presence frequency of third molar agenesis, assessment of the stage of development of the tooth buds, and examine the correlation between the degree of their formation in relations to age. [b]Material and methods[/b]. The material of study was composed of 500 pantomograms of patients aged 8 - 18 years, 229 girls and 271 boys, where percentage of children without buds and development phases of 1189 buds were evaluated. Analyzed material was divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup consisted of 119 children 8-9 years old, second – 381 patients 10-18 years old. In the first subgroup were evaluated the % presence of the third molar buds. In the second subgroup were evaluated the presence or absence of third molar buds. Identified buds were assessed according to the Moorrees classification for both subgroups. [b]Results[/b]. In all 500 children group, agenesis was present in 24% of children. In the first subgroup, 59,7% patients had initial phases of the third molars. In the second subgroup, agenesis of third molars was observed in 27,3% patients. Conclusion. In the group aged 8-18 years, agenesis of third molars was found in nearly 24% of cases. There was a statistically significant correlation between age and stage of development of the bud. (Pietrzak-Bilińska B, Bilińska M, Małkiewicz K, Zadurska M. The presence and degree of development of third molar buds in patients aged 8-18 years, evaluated on pantomograms – part 1. Orthod Forum 2013; 9: 153-62) Received 11.09.2013 Accepted 30.09.2013

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Pietrzak-Bilińska, Małgorzata Bilińska , Konrad Małkiewicz


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How To Cite

Barbara Pietrzak-Bilińska, Małgorzata Bilińska, Konrad Małkiewicz (2013). The presence and degree of development of third molar buds in patients aged 8–18 years, evaluated on pantomograms – part 1. Forum Ortodontyczne, 9(3), 153-162.