The priesthood of the Old Testament

Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2018, Vol 35, Issue 2


The priesthood of the Old Testament is the reality extremely sophisticated because of the richness of its biblical texts. Starting from the ethymological understanding of being a priest, the author points out to the beginnings of the priesthood in Isreal and shows the origin of the Old Testament priests. Their service was connected with the sanctuary, the sphere of sacrum, sacrifices and the will to achieve the idea of being a saint. The article describes: the cultural and educational role of priests, the issue of the evolution of the priestly authority, the errors of the priests of the Old Testament, the psycho-physical requirements of priests and the essence of the priesthood of the Old Testament.

Authors and Affiliations

Dawid Galanciak


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  • EP ID EP429331
  • DOI 10.4467/25443283SYM.18.022.9703
  • Views 35
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How To Cite

Dawid Galanciak (2018). The priesthood of the Old Testament. Sympozjum, 35(2), 93-114.