Ukrainian Theme in the International Scientific Conference “Belarus and Its Neighbours: Ways of Nation Building, International and Interstate Relations”
The article analyzes theories of early medieval origin of Ukrainians in the research of modern Ukrainian scientists. According to most domestic researchers, ethnogeny of Ukrainians began in the middle of the 1st millenni...
The article covers the looks of linguists at the problem of bilingualism and considers its varieties. It presents an attempt of analyzing the question of bilingualism in Ukraine, the legislative basis of the relevant que...
The article deals with the issue of interconnection between the ideas of nationalism and statehood in the work “Ideological Foundations of Ukrainian Nationalism” written by the philosopher, publicist, and a visionary of...
K. Borysenko’s Self-Sacrificing Life and Professional Achievements through the Prism of Ukrainian Studies
K. Borysenko’s Self-Sacrificing Life and Professional Achievements through the Prism of Ukrainian Studies
Ukrainian Theme in the International Scientific Conference “Belarus and Its Neighbours: Ways of Nation Building, International and Interstate Relations”
Ukrainian Theme in the International Scientific Conference “Belarus and Its Neighbours: Ways of Nation Building, International and Interstate Relations”
Theories of Early Medieval Origin of Ukrainians in the Research of Modern Ukrainian Scientists
The article analyzes theories of early medieval origin of Ukrainians in the research of modern Ukrainian scientists. According to most domestic researchers, ethnogeny of Ukrainians began in the middle of the 1st millenni...
The Problem of Bilingualism in Modern Ukraine: Post-Colonial Discourse
The article covers the looks of linguists at the problem of bilingualism and considers its varieties. It presents an attempt of analyzing the question of bilingualism in Ukraine, the legislative basis of the relevant que...
The Ideas of Nationalism and Statehood in the Creative Heritage of Yulian Vassyian (on the Occasion of the 125th Anniversary of His Birth)
The article deals with the issue of interconnection between the ideas of nationalism and statehood in the work “Ideological Foundations of Ukrainian Nationalism” written by the philosopher, publicist, and a visionary of...