The problem of pain in the context of the reward system and learning mechanisms

Journal Title: BÓL - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue 1


Despite its negative nature, acute pain is regarded as an adaptive phenomenon. It informs about thedamage of body tissue or danger of its damage. Conversely, chronic pain has no longer an adaptive character,resulting in functional disorganization of nervous system. Therefore, it is essential to indicate mechanismsunderlying pain and to understand various foundations of pain experience. Connection between pain experienceand mesolimbic reward system is an interesting research direction, as well as pointing to the associative learningas a basis of negative consequences of long-lasting pain experience. The goal of this article is (i) the review ofresearch indicating the role of the reward system in the negative reinforcement connected with pain relief, (ii) anindication of the role of pain and pain relief in associative learning and (iii) presentation of mechanisms underlyingchronic pain in the context of associative learning and its consequences. Relying on analyzed articles, we can pointto a critical role of Ventral Tegmental Area and Nucleus Accumbens, as well as dopaminergic neurotransmission,in the formation of negative reinforcement connected with pain relief. Studies also indicate Nucleus Accumbens asa structure critical for associative learning. In this context, chronic pain can be perceived as a protracted state ofaversive learning, resulting in the deterioration of persons’ functioning. Interestingly, both of the hypotheses appearto confim a two-way relationship between chronic pain and some psychological disorders, and thereby representthe promising course of further research focused on fiding a perfect anelgetic

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Kuś


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  • EP ID EP69194
  • DOI 10.5604/1640324x.1151444
  • Views 92
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How To Cite

Natalia Kuś (2015). The problem of pain in the context of the reward system and learning mechanisms. BÓL, 16(1), 30-37.