The Problem of Verbum Mentis and Intellectio in the Philosophical Works of Innocent Gizel and Joseph Volchansky
Journal Title: Київська Академія - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
The article provides a comparative analysis of the mental word concepts in the works of two Kyiv-Mohyla Academy professors: Innocent Gizel and Joseph Volchansky. The analysis is based on the Latin-language handwritten treatises by these authors: «De anima» Gizel (1646–1647) and «De corpore animato» Volchansky (1715). The authors’ concepts of intellectual cognition are examined in the context of the European scholastic tradition. It is found out that understanding of intellectual cognition by Innocent Gisel and Joseph Volchansky differ significantly. The concept of Gisel is noted by an eclectic character and combines elements of the Thomistic, Scottistic, and Surazian interpretations, and Volchansky is guided by F. Suares and F. DeOvideo.
Authors and Affiliations
Yaroslava Stratii
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