The Procedural Status of the Provincial Inspector of Monuments in Civil Proceedings in the Light of Legislative Changes

Journal Title: Roczniki Nauk Prawnych - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 3


The article presents considerations on the procedural status of the provincial inspector of monuments in civil proceedings against the background of the recent legislative changes. The procedural rights of the monuments protection authority in civil proceedings are set out in art. 95 of the act on the protection and care of monuments. As a result of the newly introduced act on the restitution of the national cultural property into the Polish legal system, this provision has been modified by removing the provincial inspector of monuments from the catalogue of monuments protection authorities authorised to use the procedural means of monuments protection in civil proceedings. Despite the understandable need to fill in the legal gap enabling the return of seized cultural goods, the recent amendment still provides a platform for academic polemics.

Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Trzewik


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  • EP ID EP669206
  • DOI 10.18290/rnp.2017.27.3-5en
  • Views 117
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How To Cite

Jacek Trzewik (2017). The Procedural Status of the Provincial Inspector of Monuments in Civil Proceedings in the Light of Legislative Changes. Roczniki Nauk Prawnych, 0(3), 71-85.