The procedure of receiving the right of patronage in the 1st half of the XVI century


The article contains a systematic reflection of the evolution of the procedure becoming a patron and using him rights of patronage in presenting church lands and giving church positions at the first half of the ХVІ century in Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth under the reign of the Jagiellonian dynasty. Important position for building the procedure to become a patron was taken some traditional features like customs «zahovany», which were continued community traditional since Kuivan Rus’ times. Beside this procedure for centuries had been developing its own regional specific side of the right of patronage, about what was evidenced «desire», which was determined confidential communication between clergy and laity, Also in the article were displayed the development of relationships between different kinds of patrons and described the role of supreme patrons, at the formation of rules and uses of patronage.

Authors and Affiliations

Mykola Bulanyi, Svitlana Kaiuk


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  • EP ID EP195516
  • DOI 10.15421/261604
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How To Cite

Mykola Bulanyi, Svitlana Kaiuk (2016). The procedure of receiving the right of patronage in the 1st half of the XVI century. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 24(1), 33-36.