The Protective Role of Strong Antioxidant Astaxanthin onBurn Wound and Burn-Induced Early Acute Kidney Injury through Abilities to Relieve Oxidative Stress and Inhibit Apoptosis by Modulating Mitochondrial-Apoptotic Pathways


Summary: Burns are skin damage caused by heat trauma or cold trauma (frost bite).Causesincludefire,hotwater,electricity,chemicals,radiation,andcold(frostbite).Thisdamagemayinvolvesubcutaneoustissue.Burninjuriesareassociatedwithhighincidenceandprevalence,highriskofmorbidityandmortality,resource-intensive,andcostly.Oneofthemostcommoncomplicationsinburnpatientsisacutekidneyinjury(AKI).ThemechanismofearlyAKIafterburninjuryismultifactorial,andpreviousstudieshavemainlyfocusedonoxidativestressinjury,tubularapoptosis,andsystemicorlocalinflammation.Previousresults(fromourgroupandothers)suggestedthatROS-inducedoxidativestressdamageandapoptosisplayanimportantroleinthedevelopmentofearlyAKIduetoburninjury,andthat24hafterburninjuryareusefulforobservingchangesinburninjury.Itshowsthatitprovidesanimportanttimeframe.Kidneyfunctionandlevelsofoxidativestressandapoptosis.Astaxanthin(ATX)isanaturallyoccurringcarotenoidthatisreadilyobtainedfrommarineorganismsandstrongerantioxidanteffectsthanothercarotenoids.Giventhecriticalroleofoxidativestressandsecondaryrenalinflammationinsevereburn-inducedearlyAKI,aprotectiveroleofATXthroughitsanti-inflammatoryeffectsandpotentialmechanismsofactioninearlypost-burnAKIisreasonable.

Authors and Affiliations

Andi Muh. Octavian Pratama, Anwar Lewa


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  • DOI 10.47191/ijmscrs/v2-i12-37
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How To Cite

Andi Muh. Octavian Pratama, Anwar Lewa (2022). The Protective Role of Strong Antioxidant Astaxanthin onBurn Wound and Burn-Induced Early Acute Kidney Injury through Abilities to Relieve Oxidative Stress and Inhibit Apoptosis by Modulating Mitochondrial-Apoptotic Pathways. International Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research Studies, 2(12), -.