The Provision of Heat, Electricity and Gaseous Fuelsas a Municipal Task
Journal Title: Roczniki Nauk Prawnych - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 4
This article presents the task of municipal government involving the provision of heat, electricity and gaseous fuels for the local inhabitants. First of all, the notion of municipal task is outlined. Then, the task of municipal supply is analysed in some detail, its various interpretations in doctrine and attempts at qualifying it. Further, the article discusses the various legal instruments municipal government uses to accomplish the said task. In this part, our attention is drawn mainly to the role of municipal government in the supply process as well as that of electrical companies which support the municipality in this task. Electricity undertakings perform significant tasks in this process, resolving technical issues in particular, while the role of the municipality is limited mostly to planning and organisation of energy supplies. It is important to distinguish between the tasks of local government and those of electricity undertakings.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Niedzielska
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