The public appeal as the through criminal term: statement of a question
Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2017, Vol 138, Issue 138
The author of the article supports the introduction of «the through criminal legal concepts» into the science of criminal law. It is more expedient to use the phrase «the through terms», wherein the through terms have such signs: they are used in the law two or more times; they denote the same concept. The research is based on the fact that the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for criminal liability for public appeals for various criminal acts: encroachment of the territorial integrity of the state (Art. 110 of the CC), seizure of state power or overthrow of constitutional order (Art. 109 of the CC), terrorist act (art. 258-2 CC), mass riots (Art. 295 of the CC), cruelty to animals (Art. 299 of the CC), act of aggression (Art. 436 of the CC), genocide (Art. 442 of the CC). In legal practice, all these articles are interpreted and applied in different. The necessity of researching public appeals and related acts as through terms is grounded. The through nature of public appeals, the spreading of materials with appeals, the making and storage of materials with appeals are argued. It is proposed to investigate through terms taking into account the context and taking into account systemic links with other criminal legal terms. The recognition that the investigated concept are through, opens a promising direction for the synthesis and application of inductive reasoning. This means the moving from knowledge about public appeals, as separate types of crimes, to knowledge of public appeals, as a generic act common to all of their species.
Authors and Affiliations
Микола Рубащенко
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