The qualities of theta-activity of electroencephalogram of a brain of people with different power of neural processes during the verbal and non-verbal activity


The qualities of the theta-activity of an electroencephalogram (EEG) of subjects’ cerebral cortex with differing power of neural processes of the subjects performed verbal and non-verbal cognitive tasks were investigated. The indices of the specific weight of EEG theta-diapason of people with low and high power neural process levels were analyzed. It is established that with the increase of the power level of neural processes of subjects the increase of the specific weight of theta-waves of EEG of the brain in the rear section of the cortex while in a state of tranquility and a decrease of their indices in the left hemisphere while accomplishing different types of cognitive tasks were also recorded. The specific weight of theta-waves of an EEG increases during an experiment of different types of cognitive activity as compared to a state of tranquility of the subjects with a low power level of neural processes. The accurate predominance of the specific weight of theta-waves of the EEG of the left hemisphere, irrespective of a test situation, as well as the decrease of their specific weight in the left hemisphere while accomplishing mathematical tasks compared to the state of tranquility of the subjects with a high level of SNP was recorded.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. Поручинська, А. Романюк, О. Дмитроца


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How To Cite

Т. Поручинська, А. Романюк, О. Дмитроца (2016). The qualities of theta-activity of electroencephalogram of a brain of people with different power of neural processes during the verbal and non-verbal activity. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 8(1), 138-142.