The Real Size of our Universe


The shape of our universe can be similar to a Vacuole in the cell. The universe is called all things between time and space , all planets, stars, galaxies, black hole, light, space between radiation, Atomic particles, dark matter hot and cold And dark energy is included. The diameter of the universe varies. And it is not possible to measure it completely, because the size grows or decreases over time. After the end of our universe, the other Universe starts. It is not possible at all to say exactly what the size of our universe is right, but by some experiments, by our own experience, by our imagination and other objects of proof, some thoughts have been expressed by some science. Our universe can be considered composed of many particles, spaces and many types of electromagnetic waves, light, radiation is universe., how big is the size of our universe that it is not possible for human beings to detect or measure it, but can only be imagined, the reason is that for measuring the size of the universe, there is no intelligence available to animals like humans. It appears that even in the universe there existed a developed civilization, such fantasies which can actually be in the universe. ,Our universe can also be a type of structure of a solid, in which atoms can have electron protons neutrons, nucleus type, galaxy, stars and planet, satellites, other particles etc Dr. Bhaboota Ram Chouhan "The Real Size of our Universe" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019, URL: Paper URL:

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  • EP ID EP595129
  • DOI 10.31142/ijtsrd23674
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How To Cite

(2019). The Real Size of our Universe. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3(4), 295-297.