The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil Cases in the Context of Practice of European Court of Human Rights
Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2017, Vol 138, Issue 138
The article addresses recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in civil cases in the context of the practice of European Court of Human Rights. The conclusion is made, that European Court of Human Rights analyzes institute of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements through such procedural rights as right to a fair trial (art. 6 ECHR) and right to an effective remedy (art. 13 ECHR) as long as such substantive conventional rights as right to protection pf property (art. 1 of the First Protocol to ECHR) and right to respect for private and family life (art. 8 ECHR). It is considered that the main article through which this institute should be analyzed is art. 6 ECHR containing procedural guaranties of fair trial. According to the art. 13 ECHR the effective remedies of protection of the right to a fair trial in reasonable time should be provided at national level. Moreover reforms of this sphere of judicial practice should be done in accordance with art. 8 ECHR and art. 1 of the First Protocol to ECHR which provide specific substantive rights. All of the above mentioned aspects are analyzed in detail.
Authors and Affiliations
Тетяна Цувіна
Таможенный контроль и таможенное оформление товаров по товарным позициям 8701–8707, 8711, 8716 согласно УКТ ВЭД, которые ввозятся гражданами на таможенную террито- рию Украины для свободного обращения
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