The regulation of peculiarities of electronic contracting: comparative analysis

Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2017, Vol 139, Issue 139


Contract formation by electronic means nowadays is a widespread phenomenon. Nevertheless electronic contracting has been thoroughly explored by scholars all over the world and regulated both internationally and domestically, there still remain some issues which need to be carefully analyzed. In our view, the most essential question raised by electronic contracting is whether there is a need to amend substantial contract law provisions with regard to peculiarities of contracts concluded by electronic means. Seeking the answer to this question several approaches have been formulated, but none of them seems to be completely appropriate. In this paper the answer is also attempted to be found. For this purpose a comparative analysis of doctrine, legislation and judicial practice of certain states is performed. Particularly, offer, acceptance and moment of electronic contract formation are explored. On the basis of this research the following conclusion is done: amendments to substantial contract law provisions are not always necessary to improve the regulation of electronic contracting. Nevertheless the provisions of law should be applied correctly to the disputes arising from electronic contract formation taking into account the peculiarities of such contracts

Authors and Affiliations

Наталія Філатова


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  • EP ID EP244502
  • DOI 10.21564/2414-990x.139.114079
  • Views 114
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How To Cite

Наталія Філатова (2017). The regulation of peculiarities of electronic contracting: comparative analysis. Проблеми законності, 139(139), 63-77.