The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Students' Academic Achievement and Some Parental Demographic Factors
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 5
Abstract: Self-esteem is each person's belief about his value and importance. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between self-esteem and students' academic achievement and some parental demographic factors. This is a descriptive-analytic study which was conducted on 60 female high school students who were 17-14 years old, in two schools in Region III Education Service Center. Those students whose Coppersmith Self-Esteem Test score was lower than 25.4 were enrolled in this study. Data collection was done by applying emographic information questionnaire and Coppersmith Self-Esteem scale. The relationship between age, parental age, economic status and educational achievement and self-esteem was assessed. Finally, data were analyzed by in SPSS software, using correlation test and ANOVA.Data analysis reported 15.75±0.94 as the mean age of this study population. Demonstrate the correlation coefficient Pearson test a significant relationship in the variables of self-esteem with the student's age (r=0.256,p=0.048) and academic achievement) p=0.000(. However, no significant correlation was observed with the paternal age (r=-0.156,p = 0.234), maternal age (r=0.-129,p = 0.327), and economic status (p = 0.634). Results showed the subjects had low self-esteem; despite had a high motivation for academic achievement. It is necessary, further educators and parent's attention to the adolescents’ Self-esteem improvement which can lead to more mental health and education and employee efficiency. Keywords:Self-Esteem, Students, Academic Achievement
Authors and Affiliations
Azar Nematollahi, Pouran Tavakoli, Marzieh Akbarzadeh
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