The Representation of Muslims in Public Spot Advertisements Against Islamophobia: The Case of USA, Canada and the Netherlands
Journal Title: Medya ve Din Araştırmaları Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 2
In recent years, it has been seen that the extreme right-wing political parties in the world are frequently the subject of Islamophobia in their propaganda activities. These parties reflect Islam as a danger in their propaganda. Propaganda has led to the emergence of discrimination against Muslims over time. In order to eliminate discrimination against Muslims, public spot advertisements have been prepared in international arena against Islamophobia. It was aimed to eliminate the negative propaganda myths built against Muslims in public spot advertisements. In this study, how and in what way Muslims are represented in public spot advertisements prepared against the international arena against Islamophobia. In the study, it was also tried to find out how the criticism of the propaganda myths built for Muslims was criticized. For this purpose, three public spot advertisements, which were determined by using the sampling method among the anti-Islamophobia public spot advertisements, which have recently been effective in the international arena, were examined in the semiotic analysis method in the qualitative research methods. Public spot ads were analyzed within the framework of the semiotic approach of French Linguist Roland Barthes. According to the findings, it was stated that Muslims have been discriminated in the societies where the they live with Islamophobia in public spot ads. On the other hand, it is aimed to emphasize that in public spot advertisements, Muslims are part of the society in which they are located and so it was tried to eliminate discrimination.
Authors and Affiliations
Caner Çakı, Mehmet Ozan Gülada
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The Representation of Muslims in Public Spot Advertisements Against Islamophobia: The Case of USA, Canada and the Netherlands
In recent years, it has been seen that the extreme right-wing political parties in the world are frequently the subject of Islamophobia in their propaganda activities. These parties reflect Islam as a danger in their pro...