Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2018, Vol 141, Issue 141
In the article the author tries to depart from the previous conventional approach according to which the model of civil procedure is characterized only as adversarial one. The author’s approach to the definition of model of civil procedure is based on the requirements of art. 6 (1) ECHR and the judgments of the Court, where the content and the scope of the right to a fair trial are determined. Abovementioned has allowed to conduct a complex study and to analyze the institutional, structural-functional, substantive, and procedural features of such model. From the institutional point of view civil procedure should involve the judicial activity of courts directly integrated into the Judicial System of Ukraine, other jurisdictional bodies as well as enforcement bodies. This order is internally structured and covers both disputable and “conditionally” disputable proceedings and law-enforcement procedures, as well as stages of logical and functional character. In this regard, despite the existence of three procedural codes in Ukraine civil, economic and administrative proceedings should be included to a single civil procedure and, accordingly, be carried out in compliance with the fundamental principles of fair trial. The latter provide, firstly, that the access to jurisdictional and enforcement bodies should not be burdened by excessive legal or economic obstacles. Secondly, the case hearing should occur in compliance with the due (fair) procedure. Thirdly, the hearing should be public. Fourthly, there should be reasonable time of a trial and execution. Fifthly, the jurisdictional body should be independent, unbiased and established by law. Sixthly, enforcement of decisions of jurisdictional bodies should be carried out without undue delay. Civil procedure is considered to be the order for resolving civil cases according to the fundamental principles of fair trial, which is taken by courts in civil, economic and in certain occasions, administrative proceedings as well as, jurisdictional bodies and execution of court decisions by bailiffs and other authorities which make an execution of court judgments and decision of other authorities.
Authors and Affiliations
Наталья Сакара
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