In her short story published in 1991 collection Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories Chicana writer Sandra Cisneros addresses the issue of reconstructing ethnic counter- history through feminist perspective of the mai...
In the paper I analyse the ways in which a city, urbanism, city space and people living in urban environment are portrayed in Polish popular music, especially in the songs of Polish alternative bands of the 80. inthe 20t...
EP ID EP52720
Views 64
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How To Cite
Izabela Kurczewska (2014). The Road to Interactivity. The Influence of Media Convergence on Talent Show Programs. Kultura Popularna, 4(38),
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Ethnic and Feminist Homecoming in “ Eyes of Zapata” by Sandra Cisneros
In her short story published in 1991 collection Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories Chicana writer Sandra Cisneros addresses the issue of reconstructing ethnic counter- history through feminist perspective of the mai...
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Obrazy miasta w utworach polskich grup alternatywnych lat 80. XX wieku
In the paper I analyse the ways in which a city, urbanism, city space and people living in urban environment are portrayed in Polish popular music, especially in the songs of Polish alternative bands of the 80. inthe 20t...