The Role and the Influence of International Marketing on Export
Journal Title: BEST : International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering ( BEST : IJMITE ) - Year 2019, Vol 7, Issue 2
Unlike the utilization of marketing within certain national frameworks where there are relatively uniformed conditions, in international marketing we encounter a series of specificities that result both from the specifics of each national economy and its instrumental means, as well as to the specific characteristics of individual economic (and political) groups that, with their limitations and other measures further complicate the operation of the external market. Regardless of such a complex situation, there is a tendency to create a single world market, which stems from the following factors: All countries in the world are referred to mutual exchange due to uneven territorial distribution of natural resources, which requires the need to exercise international trade, due to differences in created economic structure. Such a need is of national interest to each country. There is a certain economic relationship that has been established for a longer period of time in most of the countries. These ties are characterized by pronounced resistance so that they cannot be interrupted due to certain short-term policy changes. The strong influence of science and the technical and technologic revolution requires that international trade should be exercised. It’s felt in different domains of the economic life of each country. Precisely the great significance of international trade and its dynamic path, which can be illustrated with a series of illustrative indicators, has contributed to the rapid development of theoretical processing of the issues of international marketing and of course the marketing strategy. It appears that is not necessary to emphasize the significance of international trade because it is indisputable in conditions of a growing division of labor. Hence, it is quite logical that international marketing has an undoubtedly significant place in our conditions as well, especially for companies that maintain contacts, respectively work in international trade with foreign economic entities, regardless of whether is about activities that are in the domain of export or import issues.
Authors and Affiliations
Neritan Turkeshi
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