The Role of Divine Names in Manifestation of the Existences From the Point of View of Molla al-Fanari
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2014, Vol 14, Issue 3
Al-Haqq has not been discribed with any name and attribute in regard to his being absolute and insullied by the universe. Thus, he is exluded from all names and attributes in other words, free from all limits. However, al-Haqq is characterized with regard to emit his light of existence (nur al-wujud) and his determination (al-taayyun) or manifestation (al-zuhur), namely with regard to relationship between al-Haqq and the creatures. Thus the basic moments of relationship between Haqq and the universe are divine names (al-asma’ al-ilahiyya). All creatures have existed to reveal the perfections of divine names and attributes. Consequently, divine names and attributes are considered as existential principles of universe. Then the issue of divine names and attributes which assure the relationship between al-Haqq and the universe ise one of the most important topics of sufi metaphysics. In this article, the terms of existence, manifestation and divine names will be defined in summary from the point of view of Molla al-Fanari who is the one of the most important founders of Ottoman thought and the leading member of al-Akbarian tradition, and the role of divine names in the manifestation of the existences will be searched according to his ideas.
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