The role of immune system in pathogenesis of primary hypertension
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue 11
Most of human studies on immunity in hypertension have been performed in adults sotheir pathogenic significance still remains obscure because of the numerous confounderssuch as smoking, drugs use, metabolic disorders as well as generally high inflammatorybackground created by overall excess of the effector/memory lymphocyte populationsover the naïve ones. PH children are regarded as the best clinical model of developmentof cardiovascular disease not influenced by other factors. Both blood pressure elevationand vascular inflammation in the PH children were associated with a systemic low-gradeinflammation that correlated with: a) the changes in the metabolism of adipose tissue:increase in leptin and decline in adiponectin serum levels, b) altered distribution of fattissue with relative increase of visceral fat over subcutaneous fat, c) serum elevation of oxidativestress components and certain pro-inflammatory cytokines. The PH children werealso characterized by: a) accelerated biological maturation expressed as the differencebetween bone age and chronological age, b) changes in expression profile of genes ofrenin-angiotensin system and metalloproteinases as well as leukocyte surface markerssuch as AdipoR1 receptors, c) elevation of T-reg cell numbers and increase in transitionof T-reg into Th17 cells. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that PH in both childrenand adults is strongly associated with immune cells activation but the origin of the stimulatingagents still remain unknown.
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Michałkiewicz
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