The Role of Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanism Actors on Land Use Management in Pokot Central Sub-County


This study sought to assess role of indigenous conflict resolution mechanism actors on land use management in Pokot Central Sub-County. The study employed qualitative and quantitative research designs. The target population was 781. The sample size was calculated using Roasoft sample size calculator, which gave 537 respondents. Simple random sampling was used to select households’ heads while purposive sampling was used to select national government administration, council of elders and lands officers and snowball sampling was used to select disputants. Interviews and questionnaire were the main instruments of data collection. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, while interviews were summarized based on themes. The study established that indigenous dispute resolution actors play a significant role in land use management. In dealing with cases arising from land use the council of elders play vital roles which include presiding over a case; in this case the elders select one elder amongst them to chair and the chair takes control of every undertaking in the course of the case, arbitration, mediation, decision making, peace-making, permit traditional oath and link the living with gods. This study recommends that; the community needs to incorporate women as council of elders, the government needs to come up with a structure framework specifying the roles played by different actors, make detailed legislation and policies to guide their operations and sensitise the community to appreciate and value this mechanism and realise its importance in discharging its mandate to the society.

Authors and Affiliations

omuk Musto John, Edmond Were, Daniel Rotich Kandagor


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  • EP ID EP560766
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i4/4006
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How To Cite

omuk Musto John, Edmond Were, Daniel Rotich Kandagor (2018). The Role of Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanism Actors on Land Use Management in Pokot Central Sub-County. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 180-193.