The Role of Local Authorities in Education for Sustainable Development in Poland
Journal Title: Studia Periegetica - Year 2016, Vol 15, Issue 1
Educational activities are the foundation of sustainable development. Educating the public in the field of ecological behaviour makes it possible to change the behaviour perceived as negative by other members of society and then slowly replace it with one that is acceptable and well regarded. Developing the correct attitudes in a society means that such attitudes will be obvious and natural for the next generations. This would lead to changes in the behaviour of residents and, thereby, help reduce their negative impact on the environment. A special role is played by local government units in this process, including primarily, the municipality. In carrying out their own tasks they fulfil the demands of education for sustainable development directly and indirectly. A direct impact manifests itself in educational activities, promotions, and other activities affecting the environmental awareness of residents. Indirect activities arise from the fact that local government units fulfil their own tasks in the field of environmental protection, urban planning, or investments. Using these channels, the authorities at the municipal level can influence residents and other stakeholders through encouraging them to present desired behaviours through moulding appropriate attitudes and promoting specific patterns. The main purpose of this article is to point out the role of local authorities in education for sustainable development (ESD) and give a few examples of individual activities. At the same time, an attempt is made to distinguish the main areas of activities in ESD at the local level.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Bernaciak
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