The role of local self-government in stimulating urban development in the context of the construction of age-friendly cities and the concept of Silver Economy

Journal Title: Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 49


The ageing urban population in Poland is becoming a common phenomenon, although it takes a different pace in different regions. Therefore, it seems necessary to introduce in urban policy new strategic solutions for the so-called age-friendly cities, which in turn creates a number of opportunities to use the widely understood potential of older people, that is the concept of the Silver Economy. This paper attempts to identify areas of strategic intervention in the context of adapting cities to the phenomenon of the ageing population. This was done through the analysis of diagnostic and projection parts of all current development strategies developed for at least poviat towns in Podkarpackie Voivodship. The aim of the study was also to verify whether and to what extent local authorities of individual cities make concrete arrangements regarding the direct elimination or reduction of the negative effects of the ageing population, and the use of the potential of the Silver Economy. The analysis made it possible to identify areas of strategic actions in individual cities and showed a clear picture of the situation in poviat towns and cities with powiat rights generally treated as a specific level of local planning. In the strategies of urban development the efforts of local authorities towards new strategic solutions for the so-called age-friendly cities are visible. However, there are areas that require additional investment and strategic thinking. Cities should be prepared to perceive the ageing process and the increasing number of seniors as a development opportunity, and this should be done in a comprehensive way, and adequately to the pace of changes.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Kubejko-Polańska


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  • EP ID EP307385
  • DOI 10.15584/nsawg.2017.1.17
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How To Cite

Ewa Kubejko-Polańska (2017). The role of local self-government in stimulating urban development in the context of the construction of age-friendly cities and the concept of Silver Economy. Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy, 0(49), 216-227.