Journal Title: Medical Science Pulse - Year 2015, Vol 9, Issue 4
Inflammation, as a part of the body’s immune response, is present in the progression of most diseases. Neutrophils form the first line of the defense against invading pathogens and subsequentlyplay a prominent role in the resolution of inflammation. They have a protective function as they release antibacterial enzymes and generate reactive oxygen species. Neutrophils are able to regulate the inflammatory reaction by undergoing apoptosis. Apoptosis, then, facilitates cellular homeostasis( immune defense), promotes the elimination of activated cells of the immune system, and can act as a major pathogenetic link of an inflammation process, defining its character. This review highlights the mechanisms of apoptosis, the influence of external and internal factors and infectious agents(viruses, extracellular and intracellular microorganisms) on the enactment of neutrophil programmed death and the resolution of inflammation.
Authors and Affiliations
Halyna Pavlyshyn, Iryna Sarapuk
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