The role of regional clusters in building an innovation culture for business and the region
Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 1
The low level of innovativeness in the Polish economy in comparison to other countries can even be considered as a permanent feature. Looking at the factors that affect this state of affairs it seems particularly significant that these factors point to a lack of adequate mechanisms for innovation, manifested in a very limited co-operation between science and the business sector. In this context, the importance of gaining knowledge transfer, which is considered one of the most important sources of competitive advantage for businesses. Sharing the knowledge requires creating the right conditions and above all contributes to the relevant regional culture. The effects of the existence of innovation culture can be seen in a higher level of entrepreneurship in the region, and in the process of learning and knowledge creation by regional entities. in particular the role of economic clusters in stimulating innovation of enterprises belonging to them is important. The aim of this study is to show the characteristics of economic clusters, which foster the creation of a specific climate of innovation in the region. In addition to theoretical solutions to this issue, an example of the food cluster is shown and its features that promote innovation in enterprises. Presented is an example of the development of an innovative company from this regional cluster.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
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