The Role of the Decision System from the Perspective of the Moldovan Rural Tourism


In the last few decades, tourism activity at both international and national level is confronted with multiple problems that require innovative and optimal solutions for the revival of tourism. The enterprise occupies a decisive place on the national rural tourism market through a certain range of services, a certain group of partner travel agencies, a certain group of loyal consumers and a certain promotion policy. This article draws on ainvestigation regarding the management's characteristic by analyzing and developing an optimal tourism portfolio for an enterprise, operating in a concrete informational and economic framework. In the center of the investigation are the individual enterprises, specialized in the rural tourism activities in the OrheiulVechi Archaeological Landscape. According to the Law no. 251 of 04.12.2008 of the Republic of Moldova for the protection, preservation and salvation of the present and future generations of the cultural landscape "Orheiul Vechi" - an ensemble of historical-cultural and natural-landscape monuments in the river Raut river, the micro zone of the Trebujeni, Butuceni and Moroia from Orhei district, of exceptional value for the national and international civilization, as well as historically and scientifically. The reservation includes the following cultural-historical and natural components, with an analytically determined area, using geo-referenced vectors in a stereographic national projection system: a) The Orheiul Vechi Museum Complex, which occupies the central area of ​​the reservation and has historical reservation status -archaeological, constituted in accordance with the Decision no.77 of the Soviet Ministers of the Moldovan SSR of 15 March 1968; b) "Trebujeni" Landscape Reserve, which occupies the western sector of the cultural landscape and is an integral part of the natural protected areas fund under the Law no.1538-XIII of 25 February 1998 on the state of nature reserves protected by the state; c) forest massifs managed by the "Moldsilva" Forestry Agency; d) the villages of Trebujeni, Butuceni and Morovaia; e) agricultural and grazing lands, roads owned by Trebujeni commune; f) adjacent sectors with agricultural and grazing lands, roads owned by Ivancea, Susleni (Orhei district), Holercani (Dubasari district) and Maşcăuţi (Criuleni district); g). private agricultural land; h) agrotourism boarding houses and private holiday homes. As result of research has been obtained comparative data on rural tourism in the central area of the Republic of Moldova on several indicators, as well as the dimensions of the decisions risks implementation regarding the renewal of the tourist product.

Authors and Affiliations

Corina Gribincea


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  • EP ID EP531368
  • DOI 10.31861/mhpi2018.37-38.158-165
  • Views 84
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How To Cite

Corina Gribincea (2018). The Role of the Decision System from the Perspective of the Moldovan Rural Tourism. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 37(), 166-172.