The Role of the Local Bone Marrow Renin-Angiotensin System in Multiple Myeloma
Journal Title: Turkish Journal of Hematology - Year 2019, Vol 36, Issue 3
Objective: Angiotensin II promotes growth and angiogenesis via type 1 receptors (AGTR1) in certain tumors. In this study, we examine the bone marrow AGTR1 expression in multiple myeloma (MM) and its relationship with the regulation of angiogenesis and prognostic factors. Materials and Methods: Bone marrow AGTR1 mRNA levels of 39 MM patients and 15 healthy controls were analyzed with quantitative RT-PCR. Immunohistochemical staining of the tissue vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), CD34, and factor VIIIrAg (fVIIIrAg) was used to assess bone marrow angiogenesis. Results: Bone marrow samples of the patients showed increased VEGF, fVIIIrAg, and CD34 staining and higher AGTR1 expression levels when compared to controls. Patients with severe-diffuse bone marrow infiltration showed higher bone marrow VEGF, fVIIIrAg, CD34, and AGTR1 mRNA levels when compared to other patients. Conclusion: AGTR1 expression was found positively correlated with plasma β2-microglobulin level and patients with increased AGTR1 expression showed increased bone marrow CD34 levels.
Authors and Affiliations
Bülent Saka, Müge Sayitoğlu, Zülal İstemihan, Mehmet Akif Karan, Sebile Nilgün Erten, Öner Doğan, Uğur Özbek, Sema Genç, Cemil Taşçıoğlu, Sevgi Kalayoğlu Beşışık
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